DSG By-laws

Deaf Seniors of Georgia Bylaws

(as revised at the Statewide Conference at the DoubleTree by
Hilton Hotel, Columbus, GA, on May 17, 2022)



The name of this organization shall be the DEAF SENIORS OF GEORGIA, hereafter referred to as the DSG.


Section 1. The objectives of the DSG are:
                     a. To bring attention to the special issues and needs of deaf seniors and to work towards their solutions;

                     b. To bring attention to the special issues and needs of other senior citizen groups;


Section 1.  Any person, aged fifty (50) years or over, shall be eligible for membership in the DSG.

Section 2. Categories of senior citizen memberships shall be:

                      a. Active Membership:

                                1. An active member pays annual dues and has these privileges as “follows:

                                2. Making motions at meetings.

                                3. Having voice and debating rights.

                                4. Voting at meetings.

                                5. Holding office as President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer (see Article V, Section 2)

                       b. Associate Membership:

                                 1. Associate membership shall be open to all who are under the age of 50. Associate members may have
                                     voice but cannot vote at meetings. They may serve on committees but not as officers. Associate
                                    members may not serve on the DSG Board of Directors for any reason.

Section 3. Organizations:
                       a. Any organization that serves the deaf senior citizens may become an affiliate of’ the DSG by a majority vote of the Board of’ Directors;

                        b. Affiliates dues shall be $50.00 per year;

                        c. One representative from each organization in good standing shall have a voice at all meetings.

Dues and Funds

Section 1. Dues of active and associate members shall be $15.00 per person per year.

Section 2. Dues are payable annually.

Section 3. Any change in the membership status during a “fiscal year shall not affect his/her dues for the remainder of
the year.



Section 1. The officers of DSG shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer
                        a. The spouse of the President shall not be the treasurer.

Section 2. Each officer must be an active deaf or hard of hearing member in good standing.

Section 3. The term of office shall be two (2) years, or until a successor is chosen. Officers may be reelected for an
                     additional term but shall not serve more than six (6) consecutive years in the same office. Exceptions:
                     Pandemic, natural disaster, war, etc… that the statewide conference cannot be held. The term of office
                     shall begin immediately after the election.

Section 4. Nominations for office shall be made by the Nomination Committee, but may also be made from the
                     floor during the conference. Persons, running or nominated for office, must be present at the conference.

Section 5. Vacancies in office between terms may be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or
                     special Board meeting.

Section 6. Trustees: The eligibility requirement for the trustees shall be the same as for officers.


Section 1. Election of officers shall be held at the biannual statewide conference.

Section 2. All elections shall be by “Plurality Vote.”

Section 3. There shall be no voting by proxy.

Section 4. Newly elected officers shall assume the office immediately after the final adjournment of the current
                     meeting and continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified. The following oath shall be
                     administered by the retiring president or other member in good standing:

“I solemnly promise to observe and uphold the
constitution and bylaws of the organization, to
promote the objectives of the organization and to
protect it from those who willfully harm it. I will at
all times discharge the duties of my office to the
best of my ability, so help me God”


Duties of Officers

Section 1. The President of the DSG shall:
                        a. Preside at regular or special meetings;

                        b. Appoint committee chairs, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors;

                        c. Direct the Secretary to conduct votes of the Board of Directors between meetings as required;

                        d. Act as liaison for the DSG with the Georgia Association of the Deaf Home Office and the
Executive Board,    and attend GAD Board of Directors meetings;
                       e. Represent. DSG with cooperation of the Georgia Association of the Deaf before the general public, units of
government and deaf communities.

                       f. Act as an exofficio member of all committees and Board of Directors other than the By laws and Nomination Committees.
Section 2. The Vice President shall:
                      a. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President;

                      b. Perform other duties as assigned by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors;

                      c. Shall be responsible for supervising events coordinator(s)/chairperson(s).

Section 3. The Secretary shall:
                      a. Record and keep the minutes of membership and regular, special and Board of Directors meetings;

                      b. Shall keep all CD/DVD/Flash Drives from all board members and from all statewide conferences, history and photos for records;
                      c. Receive and send official correspondence;

                     d. Maintain official correspondence in files.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
                     a. Receive and record dues and other funds in a DSG checking account and pay all outstanding bills.

Section 5. The Executive Board shall reimburse any officer’s, carrying out his/her duties, and expenses as set by the

Section 6. Delegates, if elected as the Statewide Conference to any conference or convention, shall be reimbursed the
                      same as outlined in Section 5.

Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the four (4) officers, the three (3) trustees.
                    a. At least two trustees must be present at any meeting to verify and sign the treasurer’s report and any financial paperwork. If two trustees are not present, the President may assign a member to serve as a temporary trustee for this purpose only.

Section 2. The powers and duties of the Board of Directors shall be:
                    a. To conduct the affairs of’ the DSG, in accordance with the bylaws;

                    b. To appropriate and approve the expenditure funds set aside for its activities;

                    c. Shall receive the membership list from the membership chair;

                   d. Each board member shall put his/her report on a CD/DVD/Flash Drive.

Meetings and Quorums

Section 1. Regular meetings:
                  a. Shall be held three (3) times per year, In the Fall, Winter and Spring;

                  b. A statewide conference shall be held biannually during even years, the date to be

determined by the conference committee;

                  c. The Board of Directors has the authority to change the date of the DSG Conference.

Section 2. The Order of business of’ this Association shall be as follows:

                         Reading of Minutes Communications

                         President’s Address

                         Report of the Officers

                        Report of the Committees

                        Unfinished Business

                        New Business

                        Elections of’ new Officers/Conference bids

Section 3. Fifteen (15) active members in good standing and four (4) DSG Officers shall constitute a quorum for
                     meetings. Allow for only one (1) officer absence.

Section 4. Each active member in good standing at all meetings shall have one (1) vote.

Section 5. Special meetings may be called by the President or on the written request of at least three (3) members of the

Section 6. At the Annual Statewide conference nonregistrants shall pay the current conference registration fee.

Section 7. The standing committee reports shall be submitted in writing to the Board the day before the Statewide

Section 8. The Statewide Conference Minutes and the Treasurer’s Report shall be read and/or Corrected at the next
                      General Meeting.



Section 1. Standing committees shall be:

             1. Bylaws Committee

             2. Nominating Committee

             3. Membership Committee

             4. Tour Committee

             5. DSG Tree Committee

             6. Fund Raising events

Section 2. Other committees are subject to approval of the Board of Directors or by a vote at meetings.

Section 3. The chair of each committee may elect other committee members up to a number approved by the
                      Board of Directors;

Section 4. The chair of each committee shall submit a report when so requested by the Board of Directors and in any
                      event, shall make a complete written report to be submitted to any regular meeting.

Suspension of Bylaws

Section 1. Shall require a twothirds vote.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the membership present during the voting at
the statewide conference.

Section 2. Proposed amendments shall be considered only if presented by the Bylaws Committee Members seeking
changes in the bylaws must submit proposed changes in writing to the Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee before and during the conference.

Section 3. Changes in the provisions of these bylaws, which result automatically from amendments to the bylaws, shall go into effect at the time of the adoption unless otherwise specified in that change.

Section 4. The revised bylaws shall be distributed within 90 days of the adjournment of the Statewide Conference.


Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, the current edition,
shall be the Parliamentary procedure of the DSG authority.



Section 1. In the event the DSG is dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of existing debts shall be distributed to
the Georgia Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. We request that GCDHH have these funds be earmarked
to be used as requested by DSG and to be monitored by a committee established by DSG prior to it’s  dissolution.